de klaslokalen van Digitalcity

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Each of our classrooms is named after a pioneer in computing and the Web.
Find out who are the personalities of the digital world that we wanted to highlight




 Steve Jobs

(1955 - 2011)

  Charismatic co-founder of Apple Computer (renamed Apple Inc. in 2007), the American Steve Jobs was a pioneer of the personal computer. In 1984, this visionary  was behind the creation and marketing of the Macintosh, the first microcomputer to integrate a user-friendly graphical interface. Under the leadership of S. Jobs, Apple developed several innovative products: the iMac, iBook, iPod, iPhone, the iPad and iTunes.




Charles W. Hull


Charles W. Hull is the co-founder, vice president and chief technology officer of 3D Systems. He is the inventor of stereolithography (STL), the first rapid prototyping system. The additive 3D printing technology developed by C. W. Hull paved the way for rapid prototyping and other new applications in various industries. This technology could become one of the greatest technical advancements in manufacturing since the industrial revolution.



Tim Berners-Lee


British computer scientist, he was the main inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW) at the turn of the 1990s and is considered the inventor of HTML. He has been the Chairman of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1994; an organization he founded. He won the Turner Prize in 2016.



Matt Mullenweg


 A free software programmer since his teens and an American computer scientist, Matt Mullenweg founded WordPress in 2004 and Automattic in 2005. He now participates in numerous conferences and supports the philosophy of free software.



Susan Wojcicki


 Susan Wojcicki is an American business executive. After renting her garage to the co-founders of Google, she was recruited by the company and developed the AdSense program. She helped launch services such as Google Images and oversaw the acquisition of companies including YouTube and DoubleClick. In 2014, she was appointed Managing Director of YouTube.



Douglas Engelbart

(1925 - 2013)

This American engineer is considered one of the major pioneers of modern computing. A visionary researcher, he became famous for inventing the computer mouse. He was also instrumental in conceiving many fundamental components of the personal computer: the first graphical interfaces, the concept of hypertext links, online collaboration, ...



Margaret Hamilton


Margaret Heafield Hamilton is an American computer scientist, systems engineer, and business leader. She was the director of the software engineering department at MIT and designed, along with her team the onboard system for the Apollo space program.



Bill Gates


Computer scientist, entrepreneur, billionaire and philanthropist, Bill Gates served until 2008 as CEO of Microsoft, the largest multinational in the personal computer industry. An emblematic figure of the computer revolution, Bill Gates was among the first to understand the importance of the operating system and office software (the word processor, the spreadsheet, ...).



L. Page & S. Brin


Larry Page and Sergey Brin are American computer scientists and entrepreneurs. They created Google’s search engine, one of the most popular on the internet. They are the inventors of the PageRank algorithm which ranks web pages based on their popularity. They went on to develop a whole series of popular applications such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Cloud , Google Translate, Google Chrome, Android ...



Ada Lovelace

(1815 - 1852)

A pioneer in computer science, Ada Lovelace is best known for making the first real computer program. She also glimpsed the possibilities offered by universal calculators, going well beyond numerical calculus.



Deep Blue


Designed in 1985 by Carnegie-Mellon University and the IBM Company, Deep Blue is a supercomputer with unparalleled chess-playing capabilities. This machine with the so-called massively parallel architecture is derived from the fast computers of nuclear physics research. It was the first computer to win against a world chess champion, Russian Garry Kasparov. Highly publicized, the triumph of Deep Blue in 1997 is seen as a historic turning point for artificial intelligence.



Mark Zuckerberg


American computer scientist and entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg is the co-founder and current CEO of the company Facebook, the largest social network ever created on the Internet. An emblematic figure inseparable from the early 21st century digital revolution, he was among the first to understand the strategic importance of social networks.



Grace Hopper

(1906 - 1992)

American mathematician, Grace Hopper was a pioneer in the development of computer technologies. She participated in the design of the first commercial computer: the UNIVAC 1. In 1951, she designed the first compiler. In 1959, she developed Cobol, a programming language more accessible than Assembler.



Frances Elizabeth Allen

(1932 - 2020)

Recipient of the Turing Prize in 2006, Frances Elizabeth Allen has been one of the key personalities in computing. Her contributions in the field of compilers, parallel computing and code optimization are considerable.



Robert Cailliau


Belgian engineer and computer scientist, he has contributed to the development and dissemination of the World Wide Web since its invention with Tim Berners-Lee. He is currently an active member of Newropeans for which he published in 2009 a proposal for a European policy on the information society.





Siri is the name of the voice assistant developed by Apple for its smartphones and touchpads. Thanks to its speech recognition and synthesis system, it allows the user to obtain answers to queries expressed in natural language and to control applications: Internet search, writing SMS-messages, playing a piece of music.



Steve Wozniak


Steve Wozniak, also known as Woz, is one of the pioneers of the personal computer industry. Now retired from business, his name is remembered for having created, alone, with a soldering iron and parts salvaged from old calculating machines, the Apple I, a computer ahead of its time. He is a co-founder of Apple Computer with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne.



Alan Turing

(1912 - 1954)

British mathematician and cryptologist Alan Turing made a major contribution to new fields of knowledge which would later be called computer science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and artificial life.